Part 1 : Add text to a blank slide
If you're starting with a blank slide in your slide presentation, one that has no placeholder text boxes, you need to add a text box before you can add text on the slide.
Tip: There are several templates and themes available in PowerPoint that contain placeholders. These include preformatted text boxes that you can type directly into.
Step 1 - On the Insert tab, clik Text Box
Step 2 - On the slide, click where you want to add the text box, and drag the text box to the size you want. You've created a text box.
Step 3 - Click inside the text box or on the border of the text box, and begin typing to enter text.
~The text box will shrink to fit the size of the text you're using, but its eventual height and width will conform to the size you created.
Step 4 - To add formatting, select the text you want to format, and use the text formatting tools on the Home tab.
Tip: You can also select all the text in a box to format it. You move the mouse over the border of the text box until the four-pointed arrow appears. Then right-click, and clik Edit Text.
Step 5 - Adjust the location of the text box by hovering mouse arrow over the border until the sizing handles appear. Then, click and drag the text box to where you want to position it.